Basque Burnt Cheesecake Recipe


Do you like cheesecake? I really like cheesecake, I enjoy baking it and I absolutely love eating it. I have taste and bake so many cheesecake before and when I first time hearing about Basque burnt cheesecake, I get so excited. What is the hype about? What so special about it? It really piqued my interest.

Tak ingat dari mana pertama kali tahu pasal cheesecake ni. Bila dah tahu, mula la cari dekat mana je jual cheesecake ni. I want to taste it so badly. Tapi ada satu kedai je yang jual masa tu, tu pun kalau pergi mesti dah sold out. Gah, I need to eat this cheesecake 😖

Sesuai untuk minum petang.

Jadi untuk memenuhi my craving, I need to bake my own Basque burnt cheesecake. But before that, I need do some research about this cheesecake. I need to know the differences about this cheesecake from the other cheesecake yang ada.

Basque burnt cheesecake ni lain dari New York cheesecake dan Japanese cheesecake. New York cheesecake ada crust dan rasa dia rich and dense. Kalau Japanese cheesecake, dia crustless dan rasa dia light and fluffy. Basque burnt cheesecake dia tengah-tengah. Rasa dia rich tapi still light dan tak dense. Dan dia takde crust base jugak.

Close up of my Basque burnt cheesecake.
Apa yang best cheesecake ni is the simplicity of the ingredients and the methods use to bake it. Masa pertama kali nak cuba resepi ni rasa ragu-ragu jugak sebab macam simple sangat. Tapi bila tengah tunggu cheesecake ni siap bakar, satu rumah dapat bau aroma caramel dari cheesecake tu. Sedap betul bau dia. So, masa tu rasa macam postive sikit, maybe jadi kot resepi ni. Masa nak tunggu dia cool off completely tu  pun mencabar jugak sebab tak sabar nak makan dan nak tahu jadi ke tak cheesecake tu 😆

Masa dah slice cheesecake ni, rupa dia macam dense. Tapi bila pertama kali rasa, terkejut sebab dia rasa rich and creamy tapi at the same time dia light. So, macam tak boleh berhenti nak makan. The toasty burnt edges also give the unique flavor to the cheesecake. Gembira betul rasa hati bila berjaya buat basque burnt cheesecake ni 😊

I can eat up to three slice alone sekali makan 😆

So, kalau korang nak try buat boleh la guna resepi dekat bawah ni. InsyaAllah jadi kalau korang ikut betul-betul ingredients dan methods yang I dah share ni 🙂

Basque Burnt Cheesecake Recipe;

  • 250 g cream cheese
  • 2 eggs
  • 85 g caster sugar
  • 120 ml whipping cream
  • 9 g plain flour

Sediakan bahan-bahan siap macam ni supaya senang masa nak masukkan bahan-bahan nanti.


  • preheat oven to 200c. Line the base and sides of a 6” round cake pan with baking paper.
  • Beat the cream cheese and sugar using electric beaters until smooth and creamy. Add the eggs, 1 at a time, beating well after each addition. Than beat in the cream and flour. Beat until fully combine.
  • Pour the cheesecake batter into the prepared pan and tap the pan gently on a flat surface to remove any air bubbles.
  • Bake for 60 minutes or until the top is dark brown, and cake is set but with a slight wobble in the center. Remove from the oven and leave to cool completely before removing from the pan.
Cheesecake batter sebelum kena bakar. Batter dia smooth and silky.

Cheesecake yang baru dikeluarkan dari oven.
Jangan keluarkan dari pan selagi belum cool of completely.

Cheesecake bila sudah cool of completely.

Senang je kan resepi dia? Bahan-bahan pun tak banyak, steps dia pun simple je tak complicated. I dah guna resepi ni banyak kali dan memang jadi. kawan-kawan I yang dah try pun gives thumb up to this recipe. So jangan takut nak cuba resepi ni, you can do it..!! 😙


  1. Just tried this recipe.Memang sedap!Thank you for sharing!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.


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