Portuguese Egg Tart Recipe


I suka pergi King's Bakery sebab nak beli Portuguese egg tart dia. Portuguese egg tart King's Bakery seriously sedap dan harga pun berpatutan. Egg custard dia lembut dan tak manis sangat, just nice je. Tart shell dia pun ranggup. Memang sedap makan terus lepas beli sebab masih panas dan ranggup. Makan bila dah sejuk pun sedap walaupun kulit dia dah tak ranggup. Terinspirasi dengan kesedapan Portuguese egg tart, teringin la nak buat sendiri. 

Sedap dimakan when it still warm

Nak buatnya senang je sebenarnya. Rupa dia macam susah je kan. Resepi nya simple sangat dan tak susah pun. Bahan-bahan pun tak banyak. Tart shells dia kita hanya perlu potong dan masukkan dalam mold je. Sebab tu senang, kalau nak buat sendiri boleh je tapi I tak rajin dan nak buat tart shell from scratch tu yang paling susah. Alang-alang dah ada yang pre-made, kita gunakan je la ye. Senang sikit kerja 😁

Tart shells sebelum dimasukkan egg custard

Walaupun resepi ni simple, tapi hasil dia sedap ok. Kalau korang pernah rasa Portuguese egg tart dari King's Bakery, maybe rasa dia lebih kurang sama. bawah ni resepi untuk Portuguese egg tart ni kalau korang nak cuba jugak 😊

Portuguese Egg Tart Recipe

Portion: 8-9 tarts


(A) Tart Shells;
  • Ready made puff pastry sheets (Brands: Kawan)
(B) Custard filling;
  • 2 whole eggs
  • 1 tsp vanilla essence
  • 75 ml water
  • 125 ml milk
  • 60 g castor sugar
  • 1/2 tbsp corn flour
  1. Dust your working station with flour and rolled out the pastry sheet. Make sure not to rolled out too thin.
  2. Trace the tart mold on the pastry sheet and cut it slightly bigger than the mold.
  3. Put the cut pastry sheet into the mold and press it to the wall of the mold. After that put the tart shell in the freezer while preparing the custard filling.
  4. Before start making the custard, preheat the oven to 230℃.
  5. Mix all the custard ingredients in a bowl. Whisk well until all combine.
  6. Take out the tart shells from the freezer. Strain and pour the custard filling into the tart shells.
  7. Bake until the crust is brown and the egg custard is burned slightly. It will take about 30-35 minute.
  8. Remove the tarts from the oven to the wire rack. Leave till cool. Best serve while still warm.
Close up of my Portuguese egg tarts

Tips on how to stored the leftover:
  • The leftover can be stored in an airtight container and put in the refrigerator. When you want to eat it, just reheat it in the oven for 5 minute to crisp up the pastry shell. But I prefer reheat it using air fryer because it i much easier. 
Buat Portuguese egg tart untuk minum petang memang best la. Hidang sekali dengan teh atau kopi, perfect 😍


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